

Our young people access a full curriculum, beginning with the Broad General Education and moving through the Senior Phase, where they can complete units and courses at SQA National levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and Higher. We also offer wider achievement and ASDAN courses.
As well as attaining and achieving academically, our young people develop social competencies, resilience and skills which support them to make the transition to further education, training, work and increased independence. Young people achieve this through a full range of taught subjects (English and Literacy, Maths and Numeracy, Science, Modern Studies, History, Geography, Art and Design, Woodwork, ICT, Physical Education, Personal and Social Education; and Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies); and wider achievement opportunities, such as film making, fishing and climbing; as well as sports, music, drama, outdoor learning, cooking, golf and the school football team.
Accredited work placement opportunities are arranged with our young people who are studying in the Senior Phase.
Classrooms and learning spaces are of a high standard, offering environments that stimulate, motivate and facilitate good quality teaching and learning. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards and good-quality ICT resources are available throughout the school. Age-appropriate internet access is available in all areas.
Class and activity groups have between 2 and 5 young people. Young people have access to a full school week, including timetabled lessons, two activity afternoons per week, and several individualised sessions and activities.
The school is equipped with a fitness suite, sports hall and multimedia suite. Our young people produce several films each year.
Our education team work with our young people and others to arrange regular curricular trips to, for example, Bannockburn, Edinburgh, Stirling and Glasgow. These outings support many areas of the curriculum, such as History, Geography and Employability Skills.
We aim for all our young people to enjoy at least one residential experience during their education. We have strong links with residential resources in the east of Scotland that provide, for example, ‘outward bound’ and leadership development opportunities.

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School Bulletin

Education Scotland Report

HMIe Inspection report

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